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A Represents a 10 fold dilurtion obtained by adding 0,5ml of the chicken carcass wash to 4,5ml of physiological saline. Overgrown with no discrete colonies C Too numerous to count but discrete colonies. Representative numbers were picked and identified as Salmonella using API strips.

To each dilution 0,5ml of Salmonella typhimurium was added. Tubes were incubated overnight at 37°C and plated on beef heart infusion BHI agar.

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To each dilution 0,5ml of Salmonella choleraesius was added. Minimal inhibitory concentrations MICs were expressed as the highest dilutions of each concentrated disinfectant which inactivated virus infectivity or inhibited microbial growth.

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ImuSol possessed greater overall antimicrobial and virucidal activity than did Nolvasan. Calvin A. Page, President, ImuTech, Inc. This report contains the results of all evaluations performed to date and is complete with the exception of the assay data for the two disinfectants against Newcastle Disease virus NDV which could not be recovered from frozen storage.

The sponsor also selected and provided a known virucidal disinfectant Nolvasan for comparison with the test product. Two-fold dilutions of each disinfectant was prepared in cell culture medium just prior to use.

The range of dilutions selected for virucidal testing were based on results of preliminary cytotoxicity tests of the disinfectant enterobiosis egy szoptató anyánál each indicator cell line. The plates were sealed and incubated at 37°C for an appropriate period of time days to allow any residual virus to infect the cells and produce maximum cytopathogenic effects CPE.

The cell layers were examined microscopically for the presence of CPE. The minimal inhibitory concentration MIC of the test product was defined as the greatest dilution of disinfectant which prevents development giardien mensch ohne behandlung virus-induced CPE in the host cell culture under the experimental conditions described herein.

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It should be noted that without neutralizer, exposure of the virus to the disinfectant will continue beyond the 10 minute period until all residual virus is adsorbed onto the host cell usually I hour. Methodology a. Preparation of Inocula The bacterial strains were cultured at 37°C for hr in trypticase soy broth. The bacterial cultures and the giardien mensch ohne behandlung of C. The resuspended cells were centrifuged again, and the pellets suspended in broth medium and adjusted turbidimetrically to a density equivalent to about viable cells per ml.

Assay Procedure Nolvasan and ImuSol were serially diluted in two-fold increments in sterile distilled water. Since ImuSol was too viscous for the accurate measurement of a specific volume with a pipette, a portion of ImuSol was weighed and the weight converted to volume using a predetermined density of 1.

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One ml of each disinfectant dilution was transferred to duplicate tubes containing 8 ml of medium; each tube was then inoculated with one ml of standardized culture. The giardien mensch ohne behandlung tubes were incubated at 37°C for hr except for those inoculated with T. The MIC was determined to be the highest dilution of disinfectant, in the assay medium, at which no visible microbial growth was observed.

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As can be seen, ImuSol disinfectant was effective in inactivating HSV-I after a inute exposure at a dilution. All initial disinfectant dilution were cytotoxic and samples were therefore diluted in serial ten-fold dilutions in order to detect virusinduced CPE caused by residual virus at each initial disinfectant dilution.


These data indicate that ImuSol. Again, ImuSol appeared to be twice as potent Nolvasan.

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Cytotoxicity was observed at giardien mensch ohne behandlung dilution of initial disinfectant dilutions through for the ImuSol and for Nolvasan. The fact that ImuSol effectively inactivated both HSV-I and influenza A2 virus suggests that an EPA-type virucidal assay might demonstrate significant efficacy for this product as currently formulated.

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In most cases, ImuSol, as currently formulated, appeared to be more potent than Nolvasan against these agents. As with Nolvasan, ImuSol was least effective against Pseudomo Pseudomonas aeruginosa, requiring adilution of disinfectant to inhibit the growth of this microorganism.

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ImuSol was oobserved to be significantly more effective than Nolvasan against Staphylococcus aureus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Proteus vulgaris, Salmonella Salmonell choleraesuis, Escherichia coli, and the two fungal agents Candida albicans and Trichophyton mentagrophytes.